
The Social Construction of “Other”: A Critical Analysis of Language & Imagery in Ed Policy

The Social Construction of “Other”: A Critical Analysis of Language & Imagery in Ed Policy

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]This was presented by Circe Stumbo, President, West Wind; Anedra Million, Assistant Principal of Amanda Elementary School in Middletown, Ohio; and Bonnie McIntosh, COO, West Wind, at Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Alumni of Color Conference on March 7, 2009.[/box]

How the Phrase ‘Achievement Gap’ Reinforces Systemic Racism

How the Phrase ‘Achievement Gap’ Reinforces Systemic Racism

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]As an organizational partner for The Summit for Courageous Conversation, which took place from September 28 through October 1, 2008, West Wind participated in the program design and contributed this powerful presentation in support of that design. By Senior Policy Analyst Deanna Hill[/box]

Library image (cc) John Watson

Distinguishing Between Technical & Adaptive Change

Distinguishing Between Technical & Adaptive Change

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]As an organizational partner for The Summit for Courageous Conversation, which took place from September 28 through October 1, 2008, West Wind participated in the program design and contributed this powerful presentation in support of that design. By President Circe Stumbo & Project Director David Davidson.[/box]

Is NCLB a Civil Rights Act?

Is NCLB a Civil Rights Act?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]As an organizational partner for The Summit for Courageous Conversation, which took place from September 28 through October 1, 2008, West Wind participated in the program design and contributed this powerful presentation in support of that design. By President Circe Stumbo & Senior Policy Analyst Deanna Hill[/box]

Facing Race Together: Sharing the Power of Regional Collaboration

Facing Race Together: Sharing the Power of Regional Collaboration

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]As an organizational partner for The Summit for Courageous Conversation, which took place from September 28 through October 1, 2008, West Wind participated in the program design and contributed this powerful presentation in support of that design. By Senior Policy Analyst Deanna Hill, and presented with Middletown Superintendent Steve Price & Pacific Educational Group President Glenn Singleton.[/box]

Library image (cc) Jake Rome

Augmenting the Use of Data: Uprooting Dominant Stories About ‘Racial Achievement Gaps’

Augmenting the Use of Data: Uprooting Dominant Stories About ‘Racial Achievement Gaps’

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]West Wind Education Policy President Circe Stumbo and Policy Analyst Deanna Hill—along with Stephen Price, superintendent of Middletown City Schools in Ohio, and Kee Edwards, principal of Rosa Parks Elementary School in Middletown—presented this PowerPoint at the National Conference of Student Assessment on June 17, 2008.[/box]

Library image (cc) Patrick Gage Kelley

Problematizing the ‘Problem’ of Racial Achievement Gaps

Problematizing the ‘Problem’ of Racial Achievement Gaps

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]In collaboration with Adrian Allison—executive director of urban policy, Ohio Department of Education—and Stephen Price, Circe Stumbo and Deanna Hill presented this PowerPoint at the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Alumni of Color Conference on February 23, 2008.[/box]

Facing Race: Closing Subgroup ‘Achievement Gaps’ District- and Region-wide

Facing Race: Closing Subgroup ‘Achievement Gaps’ District- and Region-wide

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]Circe Stumbo—in collaboration with Stephen Price and assistant dean of the School of Education and Allied Professions, Raymond Terrell—presented this PowerPoint at the American Association of School Administrators’ National Conference on Education, which took place February 14-17, 2008.[/box]

Library image (cc) Mike Baird

Leadership Challenges to Achieving Education Goals

Leadership Challenges to Achieving Education Goals

Reading Time: < 1 minute

[box class=”grey_box”]Presented for the National Education Association’s 2007 Fall conference, Circe Stumbo gave this presentation with the assistance of Policy Analysts Deanna Hill and Ernestine Key. The symposium’s theme was “What Challenges Must Education Goals Address and Have We Been Successful in Meeting Them?”[/box]

Library image (cc) Michael Krigsman

Theme: Overlay by Kaira