Month: June 2013

Compensatory Leadership

Compensatory Leadership

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I had the opportunity to take part in a webinar last week with CCSSO and the New Hampshire State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE) team. The NH team lead presented a problem of practice for consultation. In the process, she was asking great questions about the roles of principals in her state, especially in relationship to teacher leaders. Continue reading “Compensatory Leadership”

High School Graduation Means beginning of Endless Possibilities

High School Graduation Means beginning of Endless Possibilities

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My son graduated from high school last Friday and I said I would write a blog post about it. As I started thinking about what to write I looked back at what I wrote when my colleagues and I posted back in the fall about our kids starting the school year. Here’s what I said:

My youngest started his Senior year and will graduate early, so in six short months our lives will change in ways I have long planned for but still can hardly imagine. Both of my boys will be up and out in the world and all of us will find new freedoms and challenges to chase. Braydon’s school life has not always been a positive experience. Seeing him here, having navigated this stretch, makes me proud, relieved, and excited about his future plans and the possibilities that lie ahead for him.

Continue reading “High School Graduation Means beginning of Endless Possibilities”

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