West Wind Education Policy’s mission is to help education leaders to imagine and enact a public K-12 education system that overcomes historic and persistent inequities and engages each and every child in learning. Our work centers on delivering policy analysis, knowledge building, and systemic equity leadership development to grow the capacity of our clients to implement effective policy and practice.
Some of the organizations we have had the privilege of working with include:
- Achieve
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- American Institutes for Research
- Arizona Department of Education
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- California Comprehensive Center
- The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement
- Center on Great Teachers and Leaders
- Council of Chief State School Officers
- Eagle County Schools, Colorado
- Education Northwest
- Georgia Department of Education
- Indiana Department of Education
- Iowa Department of Education
- Knowledge Alliance
- Learning Point Associates
- Midwest Comprehensive Center
- National High School Center
- National Implementation Research Network
- New Hampshire Department of Education
- New York State Archives
- Ohio Department of Education
- Pacific Educational Group
- Pittsburgh Public Schools
- REL Midwest
- REL Northwest
- South Dakota Department of Education
- Stupski Foundation
- Texas Instruments
- United States Department of Education
- Wisconsin Department of Education
- West Comprehensive Center
- WestEd