West Wind Education Policy Inc. builds the capacity of education leaders to imagine and enact PK-12 education systems that engage each and every child in learning.


We analyze federal, state, and local education policies to help leaders ensure policies and practices support learning and teaching for all children, and promote positive organizational change.


We provide customized advice, coaching, and training to help schools, districts, communities, and states across the country develop, implement, and evaluate school improvement action plans.


We offer a full menu of professional development and coaching services, using andragogy (adult learning), distributed practice, and standards for staff development to guide our work.

"This was the best professional development -- I don't even want to call it professional development -- this was one of the best experiences I have ever had."
Instructional Rounds with Students

West Wind created and managed the Iowa Forum on Competency-based Education for the Iowa Department of Education. In recognition of the quality of the Forum, West Wind was awarded the SNCR Excellence in New Communications Awards.

"The courage of the district team and West Wind facilitators was extraordinary. Very valuable session with ‘real life’ example that was allowed to play out in ‘real time.’"
Summit for Courageous Conversation
West Wind is a woman-owned Targeted Small Business in the State of Iowa.
Theme: Overlay by Kaira