DeeAnn Grove

Policy Fellow

Contact DeeAnn directly via email.

deeann @ westwinded .com

DeeAnn Grove

DeeAnn Grove is a Policy Fellow at West Wind, serving also as an Equity Leadership Coach. An experienced teacher educator, DeeAnn serves as a lecturer at University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. DeeAnn’s research focuses on the social and political foundations of education policy and practice. Both her research and teaching emphasize the ways in which the history of oppression in the United States continues to manifest itself in today’s schools.

DeeAnn’s success in engaging preservice teachers in difficult discussions of diversity in education led The University of Iowa College of Education to ask her to author a required social justice course for preservice teachers. The course design challenged future teachers to identify systems of power and privilege and provided an opportunity to develop the skills to create equitable schools.

DeeAnn earned her PhD., M.A., and B.A. from The University of Iowa. DeeAnn is a trained circle keeper.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira