Author: Ronetta Jenkins

Civil Rights Movement Tour

Civil Rights Movement Tour

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ronetta Jenkins is a summer intern for West Wind Education Policy. She will be a Junior this fall at Iowa City High. This is part 1 of a 2 part blog.

Starting my journey off on June 8th to go back down south I thought to myself, why am I going again? I feel like I know it all already after going on this trip for the 4th time. I didn’t know enough. The day I left and I arrived at the first stop in Memphis, Tennessee I remember why I wanted to do this again. There’s no such thing as learning to much, but there’s a thing as not learning enough. This trip wasn’t just for experience; it was a chance to be put back in the past and relive the moments just by stepping in the places of these heroes who made change. Continue reading “Civil Rights Movement Tour”

Theme: Overlay by Kaira